LaMB - the 1st Animax anime production
... recycling has never been this beautiful ...

Eve in Blue [Blogger Template]

7:46 PM / Posted by dsy /

New wallpapers are available on Animax-LaMB official website. A picture of Eve really got me in to it. So much that I imagine... what if a LaMB had a blog? Yeah, they can barely speak but they can write, can't they? I imagine this is the way they would interact to each other and perhaps, later, organize some kind of movement against the government... ahaha... (^_^)p

It's arguable yet it's very captivating me and the next thing I know, I've made another simple Blogger template (^_^)

It's called Eve in Blue. I tried to capture the sadness and softness inside her. Hope u enjoy it as much as I did making it. Oh, I'm so in love with this newborn baby template... (^_^);

Features inside:
1. Read more ready to use
2. Inline comment is fully functioned
3. Favicon available
4. Best viewed in 1280x768

How to install:
1. Download the file, it's in zip file.
2. Extract it, then read and follow the instruction (in .txt file)
3. Happy blogging (^_~)

:: January 28, 2009 ::



Anonymous on February 1, 2009 at 9:38 AM

love this :D

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