LaMB - the 1st Animax anime production
... recycling has never been this beautiful ...

Off a while [Operation Number 2]

12:04 AM / Posted by dsy /

Hi all! Due to a series of pre-surgery conditioning, surgery, and post surgery treatment which I'm about to take, I'll be off for quite sometime. I'll be online once and awhile, though, coz I'll have my Opera Mini all the time - even in hospital (^_^)p

This is my 2nd surgery. I had a tumor removed in my 1st surgery - back in September 2008. I also got my small intestine and colon cut. But it was not over yet. I still have another smaller mass of tumor and cysts to be removed, and bowels to be joined (yup, they were cut and remain so for these whole 4 months... don't ask me how I deal with it). Pretty long routine, eh? Thank God the doctors are up to the idea of having those all three at the same time. I want to over it. I don't want to live surgery after surgery...

So I have to eat a lot, take lots of vitamins and have a little bit more rests to prepare me for the operation... Wish me luck, okay, and pray me I'll be home by the time LaMB is finally aired. It's just ridiculous if I'm so obsessed by LaMB but cannot see its premiere (^_^)

:: February 7, 2009 ::



Anonymous on February 9, 2009 at 8:33 AM

hey, get well soon :)

Comment by ron on February 9, 2009 at 3:00 PM

good luck on your operation... I pray for your speedy recovery.

Comment by Unknown on March 10, 2009 at 1:03 PM

Desy, aku bantuan Animax untuk premierenya besok. I'd love to invite you to the event, drop me an email ASAP ya: acaranya besok (11 Maret malam jam 20:00)

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